WELCOME - this site is dedicated to organizing the effort to TAKE MUSKEGON BACK in 2010.

To do that we have to start now. Here is my plan. Don't like it ? let's change it.

Impossible??? Only if we don't try.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Our First Precinct Delegate Designate

Big meeting tonight for my Precinct Delegate Designate plan.

I found a new energetic recruit for a Precinct Delegate Designate slot Precinct #3 Muskegon Heights. Here is the story of that.
I plan to introduce both tonight at the meeting. A kick off of the plan. Larry's will be the first pin I put in the County Precinct Map. Before the meeting I’ll have to buy some colored pins and make up a legend explaining the different colored pins to put on the map. I hope to get the other Precinct Delegates that show up to put their pins on the map also.

I’ve made up a “Precinct Delegate Designate” information packet. It is now complete in hard copy. I will soon have it up on the side bar once I can scan in and link the Precinct maps. Below is the cover letter that goes with it. This explains what is in the packet.
Welcome Larry To The
Muskegon County Republican Party

You are my first Precinct Delegate Designate recruit !

Your Precinct is Precinct #3 of Muskegon Heights.

Monday night I will explain the concept of Precinct Delegate Designate and then Introduce you. Then I will walk over to the map I have set up and put a pin in Precint #3 Muskegon Heights and ask for other Precinct Delegates to see me after the meeting and I will put their pin in their Precinct if they so choose.

In your Precinct Delegate Designate packet, you will find the following.

1. A map of Precinct #3 of Muskegon Heights.

2. A list of all the precincts in Muskegon County,

3. A description of the duties and responsibilities of a Precinct Delegate from the State Republican Party.

4. A description of what a Precinct Delegate Designate is compared to a Precinct Delegate.

I put in with your packet the agenda for the meeting tonight along with the minutes from the last meeting.

Also as I said I added the idea for the Party that we talked about. It is rough but I think you can get the drift. The County is there to help the Precincts not the other way around.

Regards, Bob Carr
Another Proud Precinct Delegate
Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
I also bought a “all in one” copier scanner and will try to get the 71 individual Precinct Maps scanned and online for us.

See you at the Meeting tonight. If you have any questions about the meeting or anything, as always call or email me anytime, any day.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

Bob Carr

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