Want to get involved in your community? It is as simple as asking “What Can I Do Today?”
Keep it simple though. Just let them know you can help with something for a specific amount of time etc. Do something you want to do, something you think will make you happy. Something you think will fit you. I say "You Think" because volunteering tests what you think. Remember some surprises are pleasant.
There are lots of things and good causes to pick from. Don’t fret about picking the perfect one. Just pick one put in a couple hours helping out and see if you like it. If not and you didn’t make any grandiose promises; it’s a win win situation. You learned something and they got some needed help.
Then the "work" starts. I call it work, but I consider it a fulfilling and constructive use of my time. If I considered it actually work, I would become a “Paid” volunteer and start demanding my rights. Instead I volunteer and exert my rights to keep them strong.
The knowledge I seek I try to learn from the doing.
I “work” where I feel I’m needed. I work with whom I choose. On rare occasions this type of grouping seems to overcome some strong type A personalities. The egos disappear and everyone pitches in and things get done seemingly without effort. It doesn’t matter whether it’s in some Wall St. boardroom or at a local charity event; when it happens it is a joy to be involved. The concept of “work” never even enters into it. Sorry for lack of pics. As we got busy. The pics were taken before the event as we were setting up and sorry to Ruben as he couldn't come untill 10:00 I believe. That he was able to come at all is a wonder as he has two full time jobs.
Click on pics to enlarge
This happened Sunday from 7am till around 2pm in Fruitport at the Car Show, a part of Old Fashioned Days. Mike, Morning, myself and someone I just met named Ruben got together and worked at a tent selling coffee, pop and donuts and later grilled up hotdogs and hamburgs for sale. Ruben did most of the cooking, he was good at it.
Mike is the one who set up the whole thing, he did all the work. He brought the trailer full of all the supplies, and grill and coolers galore, Ice and food and pop and all that including the tent tables and chairs etc. That guy is a piece of work. The rest of us just helped set up the stuff then sell the goodies. Mike made that experience possible.
I’m blogging about how we took the stuff there and turned it into a well run little deal. After a short break in period we all just did what was needed, changing rolls on the fly to get the job done. I left for a couple hours as I was obliged to see the “Lost Boat” Ceremony in Muskegon. I managed to get back and help out a couple more hours then help tear it all back down and load it up. My kudos to Mike,Morning and Ruben.
I blog about this stuff to constantly remind me that keeping my ego out of things is a major thing I need to work at. I actually volunteer vs. writing about it, to help to also keep reality in the equation. (ego+ego) + cooperation = a get it done attitude = contentment in a job well done. Kind of the plus side of ego.
In between the Car Show I attended the “Lost Boat” event in Muskegon at the USS Silversides museum on South side of the Muskegon Lake Channel. This I’m ashamed to say is the first time I attended. Hat/Tip to Muskegon Pundit and Gordo.
It was a beautiful day, it was a moving ceremony which actually took place upon the deck of the submarine. Bleachers were set along side with seating behind and also from the Museum deck behind that. Everything combined to make this a good memorial to those who lost their lives helping defend our freedom. There was a rear Admiral, local dignitaries, a symphony orchestra playing John Phillip Sousa stuff, an excellent trumpet player (Pamela Smitter Baker) on the top bridge playing taps.
Be sure to click on pic below. She could play that horn.
The Tolling of the Boats was moving.
During the War, over 50 boats were lost, some with all their crew. As each boat was read off and the way they were lost stated, the Bell would toll once. The shear numbers of crew and boats lost were impressive. As I listened to the different ways in which they were lost and or captured and held prisioner, I couldn't help but better understand the sacrifices that were made for me a baby boomer, and our country.
There was also a flyover with a missing plane formation. A perfect simulatation of the sacrifices made by them. My pics are not great but you get the idea.
Most impressive were the surviving sub vets, dressed to the teeth. Their strength and pride were evident even after all these years. I was glad to have witnessed this. When I was home that evening I viewed a one hour documentary flick I rented from NetFlix called "Submarines - Steel Boats, Iron Men. A point made in the movie was that on board a submarine (more so than any other branch of the military) the crew lived, had to live as a close knit family. They had to not only be polite but watch and help each other due to their long confinement in small spaces. As I watched the "Survivors" I could still tell the bond was there. I hope the pic below showes some of that.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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