WELCOME - this site is dedicated to organizing the effort to TAKE MUSKEGON BACK in 2010.

To do that we have to start now. Here is my plan. Don't like it ? let's change it.

Impossible??? Only if we don't try.


Thursday, December 18, 2008


Just found this blog. Mover Mike. Check it out.
As the nation goes so goes the state and the county and our neighborhoods.
There is a shake up in the Parties of all of the above. The battle is for who controls the party at whatever level. The bureaucrats or the workers. Such things as open dealings vs. not so open dealings are at stake.

This battle has been going on since the dawn of time.

The quote below sums up the battle in the early days of this country of ours.
“On June 30, 1619, when the Jamestown Legislative Assembly instituted a representative form of government, rules stated that only colonists of English descent would be given the right to vote. This denied Poles the right to governmental representation in a colony they helped to sustain and grow. As a result they organized what became the first labor strike in American history. Their slogan was “No vote. No work”.

Nowadays the reason to have a strike, protecting our Civil Rights, Our Voice in the system remains the same. These very rights have been outsourced by the voice of the Bureaucracy of whatever kind. We simply elect people that were supposed to oversee the bureaucracy, but finally the bureaucracy oversees the elected officials. The voter has become redundant.

Perhaps it is time for us the People to reassert ourselves by planning our own strike against the bureaucracy.

The power of the Purse is the key. The Poles above realized that. Those that have a hand in creating wealth should have a share of that wealth. They should have a say in how that wealth is used.

As I believe Mover Mike was saying. If our government won’t listen to us then we must do something. We must strike. As we’ve seen recently, the price of gas for our cars has plummeted. Why? Demand has gone down. We the people found ways to use less gas. We voted with our pocket books.

How else can we “vote” with our checkbooks?

School choice. Vouchers.

Stop buying from the “Big” things, shop the “little” things. Benson Drugs instead of Meijers. While you’re in there buy the milk on sale and some potatoes and a couple pounds of hamburger from the Meat Block.

What will this do besides save you time and gas money? It will start to erode all the “big” stuff that has come about with “big” business and “big” government getting in bed together. Big labor practices, along with the monopolizing of the pricing and quality structure of the products offered for sale by the “big” three any thing. Whether they be cars or sewing machines or shingles for your roof.

The more pressure we can put on these “Trimopolys” as I call them, the better chance we have of influencing the products they make. The better chance we will go back to the customer is always right type of idea. In government we get a better chance to have the government working for us and not us being a slave to “big” government.
That brings us back to the old story of whether an army of Davids can really make a change against all the Goliaths that are out there.

That then finally brings me back to my “Take Muskegon Back” blog. Politics is the last bastion upon which all our freedoms are built. The use of the Freedoms we have is crucial. We must use the freedoms we have or they will be overridden. Overridden in the courts, and in our bureaucracies.

I have a right to build my house. Just try and do it and see how many restrictions have been put upon that simple right. Unless you are a licensed electrician, carpenter, plumber, architect, HVAC person, and environmental impact person. You can’t even begin to get an ok to do that from the government.

We no longer have many rights. Only what rights we can buy from others are allowed. Anyway I digress.

I have secretly been playing with the idea of a “Protect March”. Picking a favorite store or business of mine and have a “Protect March” for it. Bring favorable “grass root” attention to what they are doing for the community simply by the services they provide. The quality of personal service they provide. Let me know if you think that is a worthwhile thing to do. For example a march “For Benson Drugs”

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

PS. As the Poles had the right to share in the shaping of their government, we as the other half of “free enterprise” have the right to do our part in shaping our economy, and hence our government.

As a friend of mine says. “It’s the spending stupid” What better way to control spending, than controling our own. Why pretty soon we might start to do something really radical and complain about how the government is spending the money we give them. Then maybe voting accordingly.

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