Tues Dec. 2nd The Muskegon County Republican Party called it’s Precinct Delegates to Convention. A larger than normal number showed up. My count was well over 60. We filled the Blue and Gold Room at MCC where it was held.
As promised Norm Shinkle showed up and did some politicking as promised. Wiser must of got wind of it and he didn’t come but sent a surrogate to speak for him.
We soon got down to the business we were there to conduct which was for the Pds to select a new Executive Committee. That soon became controversial. Some of our group are strong backers of Ron Paul and they fought for inclusion in the Executive committee and after much discussion they were included. There inclusion is important as they represent some core Republican ideas. We as a Party represent our base and now more of our base will be represented.
The bright spot for me came after that as we filled vacancies in the Precinct Delegates. Chris Beck, his son Drew, and Dan Churchill were present and voted into new Precinct Delegate positions. I felt Chris and Dan who both ran a good campaign in Fruitport Township for Supervisor and Trustee respectively would make excellent Pds. Chris’ son Drew is 20 and studying Political Science and after the meeting told me how interesting the meeting was. You could tell this guy will be an asset to us.
I also nominated Larry Hibnar from Precinct 3 in Musk. Hts. In absentia to be a precinct Delegate and he too became one. Below is a picture of him on the right standing next to Jim Riley who set up the “Adopt a Kettle” program.
click to enlarge
The next day Larry was volunteering. Enough said.
Craig Pirrotta brought along Doug Thorstenson who also became and was eager to become a Precinct Delegate. There were others I believe but until I can come up with the list from our Secretary Stuart Peterson, I will leave them unmentioned.
All in all I was really pleased with the turnout and the decisions the Party came up with. Even the arguments were civil. As Norm Shinkle whispered to me (I paraphrase here) “It’s a good problem when people are fighting over who will get on the Executive Committee”.
This morning at our regular Thurs. 8 am Carmen Group meeting at which I was late (I humbly appologize), a lot of ground was covered. Possible officers of the party were discussed, but mainly how we can set up the party to get and keep more people involved. The types of things we need to do to make this Party of ours a better thing.
Let me remind everyone reading this that the Carmen Group is just a bunch of “regular meeting goers” getting together over breakfast to keep in touch and to float their own ideas out to see what others think. This is not a place where policy is made, far from it. Just a gab session.
Jim Riley’s “Adopt a Kettle” was an example of how easy it is to actually do something for the community and the party at the same time. How with some thought and action by one person, several volunteers can get involved and be a part of the community and the party. All agreed it was a good thing.
For me the main focus for the party is to make sure that.
1. There is always something that volunteers can do. If someone comes to us cold and wants to volunteer, we need the infrastructure in place to direct them to someone and something they can do.
2. We make every effort on gaining volunteers.
For our County Party I’m hoping and others seemed to agree on a structure based upon Committees. I hope to see permanent committees, like Memebership, Lincoln Day, etc. plus the ability to set up on the fly others for more specific goals. Come to the Ex. Committee meeting Dec. 15th and be a part of this taking shape. We have a fresh slate to work with.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
Ps. The best laid plans of mice and men will come to naught without the people (volunteers) to carry them out. The best and most active volunteers are the ones who have a part in making those plans.
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