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We covered it all from picking asparagus to operating a loader at Marve’s farm. Well seriously Jon D. told us of the planned time that Pete was going to actually go out and pick asparagus on a farm, in conjunction with the Asparagus Festival. This is part of Pete’s plan to work up to 100 jobs around the state to help get in touch with Michiganders.
Dave W thought, as the rest of us did, that the “100 jobs” idea was great. He asked who had thought it up, and Jon D said that Pete did. I said I thought it dovetailed into the bike tour really well.
If you know anything about picking Asparagus you know the hard stoop kind of labor it is and that our previous President regarded as work Americans won't do. During the conversation I said something like, "so Pete'll be doing the work Americans won't do?" Jon D kinda grinned and said no more.
Jon D. has often stopped at our “Carmen Group” to grab a breakfast and to stay in touch with the local polls. It worked well today Marve who runs a leaf composting site at his farm suggested that maybe Pete could do some work for him too. Marve who is always looking for cheap labor, especially heavy equipment operators seemed really pleased with the idea. A good way to mix politics and the bottom line. I’ve always claimed Marve was a true fiscal conservative.
I too took advantage of the situation and asked Jon D if Pete would be interested in being interviewed by me at Bottom Up Politics. He said that he would. After some emails I’m hoping to get that interview. Jon also promised to email me info on Pete’s schedule so I can blog and investigate the goings on. I will post it as I get it.
On the Love Community Garden front, I picked my first crop of radishes, thinned my carrots and planted 4 tomato plants to my little bed. Also have been harvesting friendships with a couple of neighbors I never met before this garden thing.
Life goes on. Twenty some garden beds, twenty some neighbors, think about it.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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