WELCOME - this site is dedicated to organizing the effort to TAKE MUSKEGON BACK in 2010.

To do that we have to start now. Here is my plan. Don't like it ? let's change it.

Impossible??? Only if we don't try.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Just Give 2 --- Great New Activist Site

As you know I try to get involved with my community, not so much by joining things because I’m not a joiner by nature.

I prefer the one on one approach. My conservative principles tell me that the one on one approach is good too, as it cuts out the middle man. In the realm of helping others it is the cheapest, quickest way to do it that way. In the realm of politics as well; they say all politics is personal. It wouldn't hurt politicians either to take a more direct and personal approach to helping their constituents whenever possible.

On my other blog Bottom Up Politics I try to ask myself what can I do today? What one small thing can I do today in my neighborhood to help things out? It might be just shoveling my own sidewalk so kids can walk someplace other than the street. At least give them the option. Lol. We all do something well, share it with your neighbors.

What I’ve found is that doing one little thing tends to suggest other little things and pretty soon you may be organizing a few of your neighbors into seeing that your side of the block is shoveled from corner to corner or some other bizarre type of nearly socially unacceptable old fashioned behavior. Lol.

What I’m trying to get to is that I found a great site which is about how to be an activist in the cause of limiting government intervention in our lives, by doing it ourselves. Below is the link. This is not complicated stuff; simple direct and easy, just a few ways to help our neighbors. Simple common sense rules are involved here; not a six volume set of Community Health regs.


The name says Just Give 2 (hours a week). This is not about joining some gov. charity or volunteering for the peace corp. or any other type of nonprofit so they can organize the “volunteers” and make their wages.

This site simply reminds us how easy it really is to help our neighbors. It really doesn’t for example take the County Health Dept and a special state grant to help your neighbor plant a garden or maybe start a few neighbors on a common piece of land or vacant lot to start a community garden.

How long does it take to watch a neighbor’s kid for an hour so they can run to the store? I know, sorry it’s a trick question. But then again it could take the rest of your life being friends with your neighbors.

That list of things is a great starting point. Every political party should post it for its members to see, but that’s another story. Our parties are the ones who need the real help. First we have to help ourselves then our neighbors and then later we can deal with the parties by getting involved at the local level and demand that they listen to their neighbors.

If you have any quick things to do to help, leave a comment or better yet go to the site. Then go do it and let us know what happens.

Gee just when you thought I was done, another page on the Just Give 2 site is how to be an activist and take the country back. (Sound familiar? – “Take Muskegon Back”) They say to do this so we can put the We back in “we the people”. I like that. This they say only takes 1 hour a week. See link below.


I might add to this, go online and find your local, city, village or county web site. The first week spend some time searching out when they hold meetings, some will have agendas on line, if not they have phone #s listed just call and find out how to get the agenda for a meeting ahead of time. Then go, just sit in the audience and learn. See how your government works. The next week or two pick a subject close to your heart and research it. Teach yourself to be an expert. Then when you’re confident speak up then speak out.

The list that Just Give 2 gives us is a great start but the list is really infinite. Whatever you can think of to do is a good thing. Anything is better that sitting home doing nothing. If you have an idea, let us know, add a comment on the blog.

By the way, once started it feels so empowering that you probably will get addicted. Just ask Mel Gibson, FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

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