1/19/09. Monthly meeting see side bar calendar for details
Our new Leadership of Dave Farhat and Susan Hughes with John Koens as treasurer and Stuart Peterson and secretary will be (hopefuly) strutting their stuff.
All invited. I'm assuming this will be an organizational meeting to set up committees and talk about structure. Maybe not. I'm not sure. If you want to get into the party "goings on" this is a meeting not to miss. If you want a say in how our party functions for the next two years please come.

click to enlarge
Call to Convention for the County Republican Precinct Delegates at 7;30. Again see side bar calendar for details. This is where our County's delegation will be elected that will go to the state Convention to pick our State Party leaders. Also our District Chair and leadership. Only Precinct Delegates are allowed. If you are and want a say in how our State Party functions this is it. Please come.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
New Meetup page by Jim Riley. Could become a great tool for us.
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